Deliberative Members

PACST Vice Chairperson

Choi, Yanghee

Vice Chairman

Career Background
    President, Hallym University
    Minister, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning

Kim, DukJin

Professor School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Seoul National University

Career Background

Kim, Jihyun

Professor Department of Systems Biology Yonsei University

Career Background

Kim, Hyunjung

Professor, Department of Physics, Sogang University

Career Background

Ryu, Seongho

Professor Cancer, Metastasis, Cancer stem cell, miRNA, Epigenetics, Bioinformatics, Genomics Room 309, SIMS

Career Background

Bae, Kyunghoon

President of LG AI Research

Career Background

Lee, Eunkyoung

Professor Department of Science Studies Jeonbuk National University

Career Background

Chang, Joonyeon

Vice President, KIST

Career Background

Chong, Yonuk

Professor Department of Nano Engineering Sungkyunkwan University

Career Background

Choi, Seokjoon

Executive Vice President Future Management Institute CJ Corporation

Career Background