Advisory Members

PACST Vice Chairperson

Choi, Yanghee

Vice Chairman

Career Background
    President, Hallym University
    Minister, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning

Yoo, Ji Beom

President, Ph.D. Sungkyunkwan University

Career Background

Lee, Jin Sook

Professor Department of Architectural Engineering, Chungnam National University

Career Background

Hong, Heung Deug

Professor College of Social Science Department of Public Administration, Kangwon National University

Career Background

Lee, Young Kuk

President, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology

Career Background

Park, Hyun Wook

Professor The School of Electrical Engineering KAIST

Career Background

Kyung, Kye Hyun

Advisor to Samsung Electronics

Career Background

Yook, Sim Kyun

Senior Vice President at Doosan Enerbility Co Ltd

Career Background

Baek, Won Pil

Principal Research Scientist, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

Career Background

Kwon, Oh Nam

Professor Department of Mathematics Education Seoul National University

Career Background