Introduction to the PACST

The PACST is a Presidential advisory body for the innovation of natiovnal science and technology.

Article 127, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution and Article 1 of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Act


  • The PACST is a Presidential advisory body for innovation etc. of national science and technology.
    (『Article 127, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution』 and 『Article 1 of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Act』)
  • In accordance to the amendments to the 『Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Act』 on 17 April 2018, the present 'Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology' combines the function of the preceding Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology and National Science and Technology Council, supporting the innovation of national science and technology through activities such as deliberation on the decision-making process in relation to science and technology policies.


  • Advisory Function We provide advice to the President in regard to the innovation of national science and technology, development strategies for the development of personnel, information and policy directions, as well as the improvement of systems in the field of national science and technology and matters regarding policies.
  • Deliberation Function We deliberate on major policies of science and technology · innovations in science and technology and industrialization related personnel policy · adjustment on innovation policies for regional technology, adjustment in regard to research and development plans and business, conducting research and the development budget.

Composition of Members

There are less than 30 members of the PACST, including the President (Chairperson) or Vice Chairperson.

Civilian Members

Professionals appointed by the Chairperson with extensive experience and knowledge in regard to science and technology or politics · economics · society · culture ※ Term of Civilian Members: 1 year

Government Members

The head of the Central Administrative Agency and public officials in political service decided by Presidential Decree (Minister for Strategy and Finance, Minister of Education, Minister of Science and ICT, Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, Minister of SMEs and Startups, Presidential Secretary in charge of science and technology affairs)

Council Organization

General Meeting

  • The General Meeting is composed of all council members of the PACST, who deliberate on general matters including the operation of the PACST and matters that need the opinions of all council members in performing its duties.

Advisory Council

  • The Advisory Council performs the advisory function of the PACST. It is composed of the 13 civilian committee members including the President (Chairperson), Vice Chairperson, and secretaries as science and technology aides.
  • A subcommittee exists for preliminary review on matters for the advisory and execution of tasks delegated by the council.

Deliberative Council

  • The Deliberative council performs the Deliberative functions of the PACST. It is composed of 11 civilian council members including the President (Chairperson), Vice Chairperson, 5 government council members and aides for the secretariats for science and technology.
  • An operation committee is in place to deliberate on agendas appointed by the Deliberative council for preliminary review in regard to the deliberation council and administrative advice in accordance to the Presidential Decree, and a special committee, local science and technology promotion council, and fundamental research promotion council is in operation.