

Welcome to the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology.

Vice Chairperson of the Presidential
Advisory Council on Science & Technology
Yeom Han-woong

This is Vice Chairperson of the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology Han-woong Yeom. As an organization of the Constitution, the Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology (henceforth PACST) has undertaken policy advisory actions on major agendas and the cardinal direction of the national science and technology policies. Particularly under the government of President Moon, the PACST will be integrated with the National Science and Technology Council, which is the council for decisions on budget and policies related to national science and technology, to act as the control tower of science and technology policies in correspondence to its name. Heavy responsibility falls on our shoulders from the high expectations of citizens and professionals in science and technology.

The present policy on science and technology plays a major role in increasing national competence socially, culturally and economically, and therefore receives the requests and expectations of the general public. In fact, our competence in science and technology has made astonishing progress in the past 30 years. However, we are now facing a qualitative change for enhancement into creative and original science and technology.In addition, we are now at the stage of making an actual contribution to the improvement of society and the economy through the accumulated competence of the present time.

The PACST will provide advice for methods of innovation to allow the significant development of our science and technology and play an important role in the improvement of our society and economy, deliberate on the policies to realize the contents of the advice, and make the best effort to inspect for proper execution. In particular, we will strive for quantitative growth and short-term results that assist the establishment of long-term science and technology policies, and lead policy innovations to be focused on field researchers and fundamental research. In addition, we will listen to the desperate voices of the general public to realize the well-being of citizens in advising and deliberating on science and technology policies, including counter-measures in disasters and safety issues, protection of the disadvantaged and increasing the quality of life of social minorities.

For this objective, this PACST has a quite unprecedented composure, with a focus on young professionals in the field, and operates a communication platform to listen to the voices of the general public and field researchers. Furthermore, the role and status of the council has been strengthened to live up to its name as the control tower of science and technology policies.
Ladies and gentlemen, please watch over us as the PACST, young and closer to the field, and deliberation council acting as the combined control tower of science and technology policies, strive to lead the direction of national science and technology for the brighter future of the Republic of Korea, and please feel free to provide us with your kind advice. Thank you.